Tuesday, May 10, 2011

McDonald’s to spend - 1 Billion Dollars ($) to upscale its stores - WOW - How many Hamburgers would that buy ?

    In an effort to redo its image and attract new customers, McDonald's is going upscale and spending $1 Billion Dollars to makeover its stores.

    Some changes planned for their restaurants include installing flat-screen televisions, converting to wooden tables and toning down the loud color scheme. They are looking for that "Starbuck-ish" appearance.

Is this a good idea?

Will McDonald's turn itself into a coffee house with burgers on the side?

   McDonald's and Starbucks exemplify mutually exclusive differences between fast food and casual dining. I may be just a worrier but this attempt by McDonald's to be like Starbucks will confuse customers and may affect their bottom line. Heck, I might go in and order a "Mcbuck" and wash it down with a hot cup of "StarDonald".

Blog - McDonalds

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