Monday, March 14, 2011

Nuclear energy in the USA - Where & How Much

Nuclear energy provides 20 % of the United States' electricity and is its No. 1 source of emission-free electricity.

Number of operating reactors: 104 (35 boiling water reactors, 69 pressurized water reactors)

14 BWR plants have one reactor; nine have two reactors; one has three reactors
15 PWR plants have one reactor; 24 have two reactors; two have three reactors

Companies licensed to operate nuclear reactors: 32
Number of states with operating reactors : 31

In seven states for 2009, nuclear makes up the largest percentage of their electricity generated:

State         Percent
Vermont - 72.3
New Jersey - 55.1
Connecticut - 53.4
South Carolina - 52.0
Illinois - 48.7
New Hamphshire - 44.1
Virginia - 39.6

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