Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Do elementary school students have a 1st. Amendment right to free speech ?

The question of the right to free speech for elementary school students was never really a hot issue until some Plano Texas school students brought candy canes with religious messages tied to them to a class party. The students were not allowed to hand them out their classmates.

This incident happened 10 years ago but on Monday June 23, 2011 judges from the 5th. Circuit Court of Appeals will hear oral arguments about it.

This case will impact every current and future elementary school student in the nation. Everyone who is a parent or grandparent or just cares about the future of this country should be concerned.

Many people feel that if the court rules that elementary students have no First Amendment rights, then neither students nor their parents will have any recourse against religious discrimination which they feel occurred in this case. It would be a massive shift of power away from citizens and families to the government.

The two Plano principals named in the suit said at the time that they believed they were left with no choice but to deny the students because of the way the district’s policy was written.

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